Jesus Christ giving a helping hand to human
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God is your Father, and religion—my gospel—is nothing more nor less than the believing recognition of the truth that you are his son. ~Jesus

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Our Mission

Our world is in serious trouble. Our institutions are ​collapsing, while climate change, pandemics, and ​widely devastating wars threaten our mortal ​existence. The answer to these problems lies ​within a spiritual paradigm shift that begins with an ​elevated understanding of who we are in ​relationship with God and toward one another, and ​why these relationships matter above anything else ​in time and eternity.

It is our mission to bring the Life and Teachings of ​Jesus, as depicted in Part IV of the Urantia Book, ​to life on screen through a dramatized television ​film series entitled The Son Of Man, and in so ​doing, to reveal the Master as he lived and taught ​on earth to a broad and diverse audience.

There has never before been a film series of this ​spiritually impactful nature, covering the birth of ​Jesus, his childhood and young adulthood, the ​growth of his own faith and divinity realization, ​the replete revelation of his masterful teachings, ​and how he sent back his Spirit of Truth to live in ​our hearts to guide us in the way of light and life.

While institutional science and religion—both very ​much lacking a high standard of moral values—fail ​before the bar of human need, there yet remains a ​virtually untapped gift to our planet whose life and ​teachings have the power to reignite our hopes ​and empower our destiny by the faith-discovery ​that God is our Father and we are all his sons and ​daughters—one another’s spiritual siblings.

Sky. Sunrise.
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Our Goals

  1. To create a web presence in order to familiarize people with The Son Of Man TV project
  2. To grow our production team from service volunteers within the Urantia Book community (or others)
  3. To form our own production company and/or partner with an existing production company
  4. To raise the funds to produce the pilot episode of The Son Of Man series
  5. To use the pilot episode to help attract funding to produce the remaining episodes
  6. To make The Son Of Man series widely available for streaming
  7. To reinvest any net profits from The Son Of Man series to help fund other Urantia Book based projects

Mustard Seed

Label Design
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Progress Report

Seasons 1 & 2 are written (15 episodes)

Facebook page is gaining followers

We have a new Facebook administrator

Website is live

A composer is working on our soundtrack

Label Design

Service Opportunites

  • Web designer
  • Social media czar
  • Marketer/Fundraiser
  • Legal representation
  • Advisory board
  • Script researchers
  • Fact checkers
  • Casting director
  • Actors
  • Costume designer
  • Hair and makeup
  • Location scout(s)
  • Set builders
  • Key grip
  • Boom operator(s)
  • Gaffer
  • Director
  • Cinematographer
  • Camera operators
  • Production managers
  • Production assistants
  • Continuity Supervisor
  • Logistics manager
  • Film editor
  • Soundtrack composer
  • Sound editor
  • Visual effects master
  • Company administrator

His first Passover in Jerusalem Jesus meets ​Mary, Martha, and Lazarus; they become ​lifelong friends. Jesus’ parents start for home, ​each believing him with the other, while Jesus, ​at 12, remains behind. He attends Temple ​lectures, “confusing the wise men of the law,” ​while Mary despairs for her lost son.


TEASER: Cold opening (before series intro).

INT./EXT.: Indoors/outdoors.

V.O. (voiceover): A recorded voice. The ​audience does not see the character talking.

O.S. (off screen): The talking character is

present, but not in the frame.

SUPER: Quoted text appears onscreen.

TAG: Just when you think the episode has ​ended, there is an extra little scene.

Jordan River, Israel

Jordan River

Label Design

Contact Us

(Message, volunteer, newsletter sign-up)

PHONE: (760) 508-2735

OR: (760) 508-2871